Why add a community-based learning component to your course?

  • Deepens learning/engagement with the academic content.
  • Fosters a civic engagement mindset, and personal and social responsibility.
  • Encourages students to clarify their purpose and values.
  • Provides students with firsthand knowledge of community needs and opportunities to be more involved in collaborating to solve challenges in surrounding communities.
  • Leads to new avenues for research and publication.

Three key elements of community-based learning:

  • Facilitated by mutually beneficial engagement between community groups, students, and instructors.
  • Fosters deeper engagement with learning and builds capacity of the community groups.
  • Includes critical reflection which encourages students to examine their purpose while exploring solutions to improve the human condition.

How does CBL support faculty?

  • Workshops and communities of practice
  • Connections with community organizations
  • Customized consultations
  • Information on best practices and risk management planning
  • Reflection materials for community service activities.
    • Tools for understanding how to work effectively with community partners.
    • Creating course proposals or community-based learning curriculum.
    • Connecting with community partners

CBL team members are eager to help you design your community-based learning classes. Schedule a time with Dr. Sarah Brackmann using this link.

Amplify Impact: Embrace our power as agents of change for the public good and generate talent, ideas, and solutions with unmatched impact and scale to help define and address the most critical problems of our time, locally and globally.